Free Tamil Chat Room online to find online Indian chatting friends via video and mobile chat. Tamil Chatters from Malaysia, Singapore & India chat.
Tamil Chat Room is best place for our Tamil Community to banter and share new, interesting, scintillating and intriguing Tamil people across the world. If you want to make new friends, want to find new love, improve your network, extend your network, make long lasting friendships, if you are mere plain bored or lonely, our Tamil chat online is perfect place to stay in touch. Free Tamil Chat is one of the best Indian chat rooms that offer great entertainment to Tamil community across the world.
Online Tamil Chat provide free chat platform for everyone to connect with finest friends across the world. Our chat room is loaded with various exiting features and functionalities that make communication far better. Here, you can spend quality time by connecting with new friends who love to make friends across the globe.
Our online chat platform is ready to use, it features improved UI, simple registration process, start chatting without any registration, customized name, customizable theme, user list, messages, emoticons, share pictures and videos from popular platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, etc… Online Tamil chat is for people working abroad and want to make serious relationship with friends across the world. Here, you can find most genuine profiles among the Tamil people.
Tamil Chat platform is one of the best Indian chat rooms; you can find best people across the world without any registration, make friends, and chat platform for Tamilians. It is one of the great platforms to chat in a good way, share information and come to know culture and lifestyle living across the globe. Tamil Online Chat from Tamil Typing online is not only for enjoyment but also for learning from various people. We offer both private chat and guest chat option that makes us one of the best Indian chat room on the internet. Tamil2friends – we created one of the best platform dedicated for Tamil people across the world who love to spend their time on making new friends.
Online Tamil Chat: Features
One of the best chat room loaded with exciting features like features improved UI, simple registration process, start chatting without any registration, customized name, customizable theme, user list, messages, emoticons, share pictures and videos from popular platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, etc.
- Stay connected with various people across the world
- Share your culture and information with new friends
- Private message ensure more secure chat to all our user
- Share images and video with your friends
- Stay away from spam chat or chatters

Terms and Condition: Tamil Chat Room
Our online Tamil chat room support freedom of speech. However, we also recognize the importance of people to respect the rights of other people. Our main aim is to create one of the best chat rooms for Tamil community to have fun and exciting environment. Here don’t tolerate behavior that is harmful to others – especially minors.
Our rules are pretty simple and designed to ensure great chatting experience to meet new people, participate in healthy information sharing and knowledge sharing. So please read our terms and condition before proceeding. You are solely responsible and liable for all the activities when you chat with other user. If the rules are violated, member might be blocked or permanently banned from our chat room.
- Absolutely no nudity or sexually explicit language
- No harassing other users
- No flooding or spamming
- No posting of private contact information
- No impersonating other members
- Do not use CAP letters